Thursday, April 12, 2012

Vegan Fruit smoothie (made with homemade almond milk)

Now that it's warmer, there's more fruit available at the grocery stores. The strawberries are amazing! And the mangoes, and blueberries....
I've been making these smoothies everyday for the past couple of weeks. I bought frozen strawberries, rasberries and blueberries (whole foods and trader joe's both sell them organic for like $3-4 dollars each!) But today I made it with all fresh ingredients. I am a cold person (all the time) so I didn't add ice, but if you don't have frozen fruits in there, most people prefer the cold temp---- so add ice.
 To make 1 glass: 1 banana, 2 strawberries, half a mango, one cup almond milk (refer to how to make almond milk post), 5-10 raw walnuts, 1 tbsp cinnamon (optional), 1 tbsp ground flaxseeds
Or add any fruits you have: handful of blueberries, rasberries, 1/2 apple, 1 kiwi etc.....
I added 2 bananas b/c I went for a long run and was really hungry. 

Luckily I was able to get all organic ingredients without breaking the bank. Even the nuts were organic.
1) So I made the almond milk first.... set that aside, and rinsed out the blender.
 2) Then put the banana, strawberry and mango in there.
 3) Threw in the walnuts...
 4) I took my cinnamon sticks (more nutritional value by using the whole stick instead of the pre-ground stuff) and ground them up in my coffee grinder.
*Cinnamon is a warming agent that my acupuncturist told me to add to my day for my Raynaud's disease. Watch out, it can make you really warm!
 5) 1 tbsp of flax seeds (I keep them in my fridge)
*Flax seeds cannot be broken by our bodies, so we have to help out by grinding them. It is best to grind them the day you eat them, to get the most nutritional value.
 5) Blend it all up!! And sit down, drink it slowly, and taste all the flavors!
*If you want it with less calories, go ahead and add water instead of almond milk. If you want it sweeter, add a date, honey, or agave.

1 comment:

  1. You will have to make this for me sometime lol.
